Quick Tips – How to make your Airbnb listing stick out

Presentation, they say is the key to any project. And if you are quoting X amount for your property, it also should be your responsibility to give a good view of various aspects and nuances of your home/property you are planning to put up for renters.


Here is a thought. Instead of just one single view of kitchen and stove followed by a kitchen side dinner table, also try and give a combined view of the kitchen side dinning area and the cooking view. People who rent these properties are looking over 10 homes before zeroing on one. Yes, it is not just the pictures alone that help renters to make a decision, there are other factors involved. But the pictures you put out on the website should complement the price you are asking for.


Location, location and location—this is the key to start with, besides this feature, if you have access to—say entertainment industry, close to airport, transits, local markets, parks, gym, lakes, waterfalls, do make a mention about those. Whether  your place is quiet or has the pitter patter of little ones, do mention these.


In my opinion, writers prefer quiet and serene places to work on their projects. You never know, your description of your home might attract a famous writer to use your place as a retreat for their writing!


What kind of amenities will you be providing? Include a list of those special features. Do you have a free parking space? Mention that. Parking in the city lots are expensive. This feature will add that much more value to your listing.


Few people I spoke with said they liked the idea of having a fire extinguisher to be on the safer side. Maybe you might want to invest in one. And yes, detectors, including smoke and carbon monoxide are essentials. Hot tubs, how big is the backyard? Do you have a patio? List all the special features you use for making your house into a home. That is what most people are looking to stay in, a home away from home.